Pokemon GO introduced a brand new Pocket Monster from the Paldea region during the 2023 Festival of Light event. This creature, called Belibolt, evolves from Tadbulb when fed 50 Candy. Tadbulb can be found in many ways, including wild encounters and Field and Timed Research rewards.
Once you get your hands on a Bellibolt, you might wish to use it in battles against other trainers and the game's AI. To do well in each situation, you need the best possible moveset, which we will provide in this article.
What attacks can Bellibolt learn in Pokemon GO?
Bellibolt's Fast Attack options in Niantic's mobile game are
- Thunder Shock
- Water Gun
The Charged Attacks that Bellibolt can learn are
- Parabolic Charge
- Discharge
- Zap Cannon
Bellibolt is an Electric-type Pocket Monster, which means it gets the benefit of same-type-attack-bonus (STAB) when using these attacks.
The EleFrog Pokemon has a base Attack stat of 184, Defense of 165, and Stamina 240. It reaches a maximum of 3010 CP in Pokemon GO, making it ideal for the Great League and Ultra League formats.
Best PvP moveset for Bellibolt in Pokemon GO
The best moveset for Bellibolt in the Great League and Ultra League are
- Fast Attack: Thunder Shock
- Charged Attack: Discharge and Zap Cannon
Thunder Shock is the Electric-type equivalent of Mud Shot, Poison Sting, Psycho Cut, and so on, dealing 1.8 damage per turn (STAB included) and generating 4.5 energy every turn. It's a two-turn Fast Attack, which means it will deal 3.6 damage every time it is used and give the creature 9 energy.
With Thunder Shock as the Fast Attack, it takes Bellibolt 10 turns to reach a Discharge and 18 to reach a Zap Cannon. Both are Electric-type Charged Attacks, with the former dealing 78 base damage (STAB included) at 45 energy and the latter dealing 180 base damage (STAB included) at 80 energy.
Discharge is primarily useful as a bait move or to finish off weakened opponents, while Zap Cannon comes in handy when you wish to obliterate high-HP enemies in one go in the absence of shields.
Best PvE moveset for Bellibolt in Pokemon GO
Bellibolt is primarily a tanky Pocket Monster but also has a decent Attack stat, making it an excellent contender for defending Gyms. The best combination of attacks for that purpose is Thunder Shock and Zap Cannon.
Together, they have the potential to deal 11.80 damage per second with a total damage output of 375.88. You could also use Bellibolt as an attacker for Gym and low-level raids with the same moveset.
Best counters to Bellibolt in Pokemon GO
The best counters to Bellibolt in Pokemon GO's Great League are Shadow Gligar, Shadow Alolan Sandslash, Venusaur, Medicham, and Umbreon. In the Ultra League, Bellibolt's biggest counters include Nidoqueen, Steelix, Galarian Stunfisk, Altered Forme Giratina, and Shadow Machamp.
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