the perimeter of a traingle is 28m find the length of the side if they

Posted by Trudie Dory on Saturday, May 25, 2024

Angle Ratio for a Triangle

Free Angle Ratio for a Triangle Calculator - Given an angle ratio for a triangle of a:b:c, this determines the angle measurements of the triangle.

Approximations of Interest Rate

Free Approximations of Interest Rate Calculator - Interest Rate Approximations: Approximates a yield rate of interest based on 4 methods:
1) Max Yield denoted as imax
2) Min Yield denoted as imin
3) Constant Ratio denoted as icr
4) Direct Ratio denoted as idr

Arc Length and Area of a Sector of a Circle

Free Arc Length and Area of a Sector of a Circle Calculator - Calculates the arc length of a circle and the area of the sector of a circle

Basic Statistics

Free Basic Statistics Calculator - Given a number set, and an optional probability set, this calculates the following statistical items:
Expected Value
Mean = μ
Variance = σ2
Standard Deviation = σ
Standard Error of the Mean
Average Deviation (Mean Absolute Deviation)
Pearsons Skewness Coefficients
Upper Quartile (hinge) (75th Percentile)
Lower Quartile (hinge) (25th Percentile)
InnerQuartile Range
Inner Fences (Lower Inner Fence and Upper Inner Fence)
Outer Fences (Lower Outer Fence and Upper Outer Fence)
Suspect Outliers
Highly Suspect Outliers
Stem and Leaf Plot
Ranked Data Set
Central Tendency Items such as Harmonic Mean and Geometric Mean and Mid-Range
Root Mean Square
Weighted Average (Weighted Mean)
Frequency Distribution
Successive Ratio


Free Cardioid Calculator - Shows you the area, arc length, polar equation of the horizontal cardioid, and the polar equation of the vertical cardioid

Chinese Remainder TheoremFree Chinese Remainder Theorem Calculator - Given a set of modulo equations in the form:
x ≡ a mod b
x ≡ c mod d
x ≡ e mod f

the calculator will use the Chinese Remainder Theorem to find the lowest possible solution for x in each modulus equation.
Given that the ni portions are not pairwise coprime and you entered two modulo equations, then the calculator will attempt to solve using the Method of Successive Subsitution


Free Chord Calculator - Solves for any of the 3 items in the Chord of a Circle equation, Chord Length (c), Radius (r), and center to chord midpoint (t).

Combined Ratio

Free Combined Ratio Calculator - Given a ratio a:b and a ratio b:c, this determines the combined ratio a:c


Free Cube Calculator - Solves for Volume (Capacity), Lateral Area,Surface Area, and the value of a side for a cube.


Free Decagon Calculator - Solves for the side, perimeter, and area of a decagon.


Free Ellipses Calculator - Given an ellipse equation, this calculates the x and y intercept, the foci points, and the length of the major and minor axes as well as the eccentricity.

Equilateral Triangle

Free Equilateral Triangle Calculator - Given a side (a), this calculates the following items of the equilateral triangle:
* Perimeter (P)
* Semi-Perimeter (s)
* Area (A)
* altitudes (ha,hb,hc)
* medians (ma,mb,mc)
* angle bisectors (ta,tb,tc)
* Circumscribed Circle Radius (R)
* Inscribed Circle Radius (r)

Euclidean Geometry

Free Euclidean Geometry Calculator - Shows you the area, arc length, polar equation of the horizontal cardioid, and the polar equation of the vertical cardioid

Find two numbers word problems

Free Find two numbers word problems Calculator - Given two numbers with a sum of s where one number is n greater than another, this calculator determines both numbers.

Fractions and Mixed Numbers

Free Fractions and Mixed Numbers Calculator - Given (improper fractions, proper fraction, mixed numbers, or whole numbers), this performs the following operations:
* Addition (Adding)
* Subtraction (Subtracting)
* Positive Difference (Absolute Value of the Difference)
* Multiplication (Multiplying)
* Division (Dividing: complex fraction division is included)
* Compare Fractions
* Simplifying of proper and improper fractions as well as mixed numbers. Fractions will be reduced down as far as possible (Reducing Fractions).
* Reciprocal of a Fraction
* Find all fractions between two fractions
* reduce a fraction

Golden Ratio

Free Golden Ratio Calculator - Solves for 2 out of the 3 variables for a segment broken in 2 pieces that satisfies the Golden Ratio (Golden Mean).
(a) Large Segment
(b) Small Segment
(a + b) Total Segment


Free Heptagon Calculator - Solves for side length, perimeter, and area of a heptagon.


Free Hexagon Calculator - This calculator solves for side length (s), Area (A), and Perimeter (P) of a hexagon given one of the 3 entries.

Inventory Turnover and Average Inventory

Free Inventory Turnover and Average Inventory Calculator - Calculates inventory turnover ratio and average inventory

Isosceles TriangleFree Isosceles Triangle Calculator - Given a long side (a) and a short side (b), this determines the following items of the isosceles triangle:
* Area (A)
* Semi-Perimeter (s)
* Altitude a (ha)
* Altitude b (hb)
* Altitude c (hc)Kites

Free Kites Calculator - This calculates perimeter and/or area of a kite given certain inputs such as short and long side, short and long diagonal, or angle between short and long side

Moment of Inertia

Free Moment of Inertia Calculator - Calculates any of the 3 items from the Moment of Inertia equation, Inertia (I), Mass (M), and Length (L).

Money Multiplier

Free Money Multiplier Calculator - Given a reserve ratio and initial deposit amount, this calculates the money multiplier and displays the re-lending process table for a bank to other banks including reserves and loans.


Free Nonagon Calculator - Calculates the side, perimeter, and area of a nonagon


Free Octagon Calculator - Calculate side, area, and perimeter of an octagon based on inputs

Odds Ratio

Free Odds Ratio Calculator - This calculator determines the odds ratio for 2 groups X and Y with success and failure for an outcome.

Password Generator

Free Password Generator Calculator - This generates an alphanumeric password between a minimum and maximum character length that you specify.


Free Pentagons Calculator - Given a side length and an apothem, this calculates the perimeter and area of the pentagon.

Polygon Side

Free Polygon Side Calculator - Determines the sides of a polygon given an interior angle sum.


Free Polygons Calculator - Using various input scenarios of a polygon such as side length, number of sides, apothem, and radius, this calculator determines Perimeter or a polygon and Area of the polygon. This also determines interior angles of a polygon and diagonals of a polygon as well as the total number of 1 vertex diagonals.

Pythagorean Theorem

Free Pythagorean Theorem Calculator - Figures out based on user entry the missing side or missing hypotenuse of a right triangle. In addition, the calculator shows the proof of the Pythagorean Theorem and then determines by numerical evaluation if the 2 sides and hypotenuse you entered are a right triangle using the Pythagorean Theorem


Free Quadrilateral Calculator - Given 4 points entered, this determines the area using Brahmaguptas Formula and perimeter of the quadrilateral formed by the points as well as checking to see if the quadrilateral (quadrangle) is a parallelogram.

Ratio Word Problems

Free Ratio Word Problems Calculator - Solves a ratio word problem using a given ratio of 2 items in proportion to a whole number.

RatiosFree Ratios Calculator - * Simplifies a ratio of a:b
* Given a ratio in the form a:b or a to b, and a total population amount, this calculator will determine the expected value of A and B from the ratio.Rebound Ratio

Free Rebound Ratio Calculator - Calculates a total downward distance traveled given an initial height of a drop and a rebound ratio percentage

Receivables Ratios

Free Receivables Ratios Calculator - Given Net Sales, Beginning Accounts Receivable, and Ending Accounts Receivable, this determines Average Accounts Receivable, Receivables turnover ratio, and Average Collection Period.

Rectangle Word Problem

Free Rectangle Word Problem Calculator - Solves word problems based on area or perimeter and variable side lengths

Rectangles and Parallelograms

Free Rectangles and Parallelograms Calculator - Solve for Area, Perimeter, length, and width of a rectangle or parallelogram and also calculates the diagonal length as well as the circumradius and inradius.


Free Rhombus Calculator - Given inputs of a rhombus, this calculates the following:
Perimeter of a Rhombus
Area of a Rhombus
Side of a Rhombus

Right Triangles

Free Right Triangles Calculator - This solves for all the pieces of a right triangle based on given inputs using items like the sin ratio, cosine ratio, tangent ratio, and the Pythagorean Theorem as well as the inradius.

Run Length Encoding

Free Run Length Encoding Calculator - Given a string, this will determine the run length encoding using repeating patterns of characters.

Security Market Line and Treynor Ratio

Free Security Market Line and Treynor Ratio Calculator - Solves for any of the 4 items in the Security Market Line equation, Risk free rate, market return, Β, and expected return as well as calculate the Treynor Ratio.

Sharpe Ratio

Free Sharpe Ratio Calculator - Calculates the Sharpe ratio given return on assets, risk free rate, and standard deviation

Special Triangles: Isosceles and 30-60-90

Free Special Triangles: Isosceles and 30-60-90 Calculator - Given an Isosceles triangle (45-45-90) or 30-60-90 right triangle, the calculator will solve the 2 remaining sides of the triangle given one side entered.


Free Squares Calculator - Solve for Area of a square, Perimeter of a square, side of a square, diagonal of a square.


Free Strain Calculator - Solves for any of the 3 items in the strain equation: Change in Length, Strain, and Original Length


Free Trapezoids Calculator - This calculator determines the following items for a trapezoid based on given inputs:
* Area of trapezoid
* Perimeter of a Trapezoid

Triangle Inequality

Free Triangle Inequality Calculator - This calculator displays 2 scenarios
1) Enter 3 sides of a triangle, and it will determine if the side lengths satisfy the properties of the triangle inequality and form a triangle
2) Enter 2 sides of a triangle, and this will determine an acceptable range for the length of the 3rd side of a triangle so that the 3rd side respects the Triangle Inequality.

Triangle Solver and Classify TrianglesFree Triangle Solver and Classify Triangles Calculator - Solves a triangle including area using the following solving methods
Side-Angle-Side (SAS) Side Angle Side
Angle-Side-Angle (ASA) Angle Side Angle
Side-Side-Angle (SSA) Side Angle Side
Side-Side-Side (SSS) Side Side Side
Area (A) is solved using Herons Formula
Law of Sines
Law of Cosines

Also classifies triangles based on sides and angles entered.

True False Equations

Free True False Equations Calculator - Determines if a set of addition and subtraction of numbers on each side of an equation are equivalent. Also known as true or false equations

Utility and Cost Utility Ratio

Free Utility and Cost Utility Ratio Calculator - Given 2 methods with a set of utilities and weights/probabilities, this will calculate the utility for each method, as well as the total utility using the additive method, as well as the Cost Utility Ratio


Free Vectors Calculator - Given 2 vectors A and B, this calculates:
* Length (magnitude) of A = ||A||
* Length (magnitude) of B = ||B||
* Sum of A and B = A + B (addition)
* Difference of A and B = A - B (subtraction)
* Dot Product of vectors A and B = A x B
A ÷ B (division)
* Distance between A and B = AB
* Angle between A and B = θ
* Unit Vector U of A.
* Determines the relationship between A and B to see if they are orthogonal (perpendicular), same direction, or parallel (includes parallel planes).
* Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality
* The orthogonal projection of A on to B, projBA and and the vector component of A orthogonal to B → A - projBA
Also calculates the horizontal component and vertical component of a 2-D vector.
