ARK Fjordur launched on June 12, 2022, the same date ARK 2 was revealed at the Xbox Bethesda Showcase event. The game introduced four new creatures chosen by the ARK community: Andrewsarchus, Fjordhawk, Desmodus, and Fenrir. Surrounded by snowy mountains, lush jungles, and caves, the ARK Fjordur map looks straight out of Norse mythology.
ARK Fjordur has two game modes: PvP and PvE. The latter stands for player versus environment, where gamers have to fight to fulfill their basic needs and dangerous creatures. In the PvP mode, they must battle other users alongside the environment. Whether it is PvP or PvE, a well-built, reinforced base always pays up.
Five beneficial ARK Fjordur PvE base locations and their coordinates
1) Shimmering Halls
- LAT: 8.4
- LON: 62.6
Shimmering Halls is one of the few Lord of the Rings references in ARK Fjordur. It is one of the best PvE and PvP base locations in Fjordur. The decorated main entrance, with waterfalls on both sides, welcomes players into a Skyrim dungeon-style area. A narrow bridge over a massive lava pool leads to a small secondary chamber on the right side and a primary chamber at the front.
The building and fortifying area are massive, and higher-level users can make the best use of this castle.
2) Helm's Deep
- LAT: 30.6
- LON: 63.2
Helm's Deep is another Lord of the Rings reference in ARK Fjordur. With its modern geometric architectural design, the sizeable prebuilt castle can provide enough space for a small tribe. Entering the castle, gamers pass through a hallway meeting at a chokepoint. This entire area and the chokepoint can be used for defense.
A hidden door connects the chokepoint to a secret cave, providing water resources, silica pearls, and lots of crystals. Above the castle, a fair amount of metal and obsidian spawn at the top of the mountain. Just over the valley (at 31.0, 56.9), a village grows advanced crops.
3) Caverns of Time
- LAT: 86.4
- LON: 98.2
This is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful and magical-looking places in ARK Fjordur. Near the Red Obelisk, players must reach the coordinates (86.4, 98.2) in the ocean. They have to dive deep straight through glowing rocks and giant clams to reach a portal that looks like a mesh.
The portal will teleport users into the Caverns of Time. They will first notice the lack of gravity until they realize they are in space. A long narrow hallway will lead individuals to the main cave. This hallway can be fortified with hidden turrets.
The main cave has lush greenery and is surrounded by other small portals that will lead them into different islands.
4) Mines of Moria
- LAT: 82.2
- LON: 21.2
In the middle of Vardiland is a vast lake, and just to its south is the Mines of Moria. It is one of the best metal spawn zones in ARK Fjordur, alongside the Caverns of Time. After passing through the bridge over a lava pool, gamers will be welcomed with a massive area with several prebuilt houses lacking doors.
Again, the Mines of Moria has enough space for a small tribe. There are two doorways, one leading to the metal mine and the other to an aberrant biome filled with crystals and organic polymers. There is also a single chamber with the Lord of the Rings reference.
5) Yellow Crystal Cave
- LAT: 29.2
- LON: 39.4
This is where the Autumn biome meets the Winter biome. Right at the mentioned coordinates (29.2, 39.4), there's a cave entrance hidden from normal view with lush greenery.
It is one of the largest caves in ARK Fjordur. Entering the cave, a small chokepoint can be used for defense. By going even further, players will discover a larger area of the cave.
It is a vast area with a whole forest inside. There is an adequate supply of water, crystals inside the cave, rich metal, and obsidian nodes outside it. The cave is 24/7 lit with yellow glowing crystals on its walls and always has an optimal temperature, which is rare in ARK Fjordur or any other ARK map.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinions.
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